University of Oklahoma Football GameThe University of Oklahoma Athletics has requested MRC assistance for the first four Home Games of the Season due to the typical heat related risks associated with this time of year. MRC will be providing a Cooling, Hydration, and Basic First Aid Station on these Game Days. We are requesting 4 non-medical volunteers to assist Thursday, September 20th, with the Setup of the station. We will meet at 5 pm in the West Parking Lot of The Well, 210 James Garner Way, Norman, OK. 73069. We should be done no later than 8 pm that evening. We will have three 3-hour Operational shifts on Gameday, Saturday, September 21st. The first shift will begin 4 hours before kick-off and the last shift will assist in breakdown and loading up and we are hopeful we will be done by 2 hours after the games end. The Time of the Game is still TBA To Be Announced. We are requesting 2 Medical and 4 Non-Medical for each shift. We will be operating a Cooling Tent, providing Cold Water, and Basic First Aid as needed. We will be providing support to EMSSTAT as requested. This will be the first year that the Team will be entering the Stadium on the North Side of the Stadium and walking through the Family Activity Area on that side. Wear your MRC T-Shirt, but accent it with any supportive OU gear you have and come join and support this festive atmosphere. Wear your MRC T-shirt and Badge. Dress for the Heat and Weather Conditions. Accent with OU Fan Gear if you have it. We will have light snacks and cold Gatorade and Water for Volunteers. |